Today I received this book as a present
It is the same kind of ABC I used back in first grade.

In the beginning the book only introduced us to
singular letters.
Å for "åker" (field)
P for "postmann" (you figured that out yourself! :-) )

Then there were short texts.
Here is Perat grandpa's.Grandpa, can Per go for a ride?Yes, come here,so you can ride together with grandpa.(Far-far, today written in one word as "farfar", shows
that this grandfather is the father of the father,
in other words the paternal grandfather.)

Further on in the book when the stories get longer
and the letters smaller, this drawing shows
the children's parade on May 17th,
Norway's national day.
This ABC was published in 1954, nine years
after the Second World War had ended in Norway,
so I imagine this was an important subject to
teach Norwegian school children.