Sunday, May 27, 2007

A lecture

Tonight I will give a lecture.

First of all, the purpose is to meet my friends who hopefully will come to the lecture. :-)

But the subject matter of the lecture is an attempt to see how some of the persons and events in my early life made the foundations for what is an important part of my personality and life today.

On Norwegian TV I saw an interview with a young man from Voss in Western Norway. He spoke perfect Voss dialect. He was skiboarding. His life and future was in Voss. He was a Vossian.
But the color of his skin was very dark - he had come from Uganda to Norway as an orphan around the age of eight. He was Ugandian on the outside and Norwegian and Vossian on the inside.

I lived in Norway till I was around 18, living a typical "Norwegian" life.
But this typical Norwegian life had elements that unknown to me at the time would take on a special meaning years later.

I look Norwegian on the outside.
I speak Norwegian.
I have a Norwegian name.

At this point I feel that I have not found a way to express that other part, the foreign part, of me, in Norway.

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