How many years has this dog followed me?
I think it was originally printed for an exhibition
of Roy Blohm's paintings.
Roy Blohm, or Uncle Roy, as we called him, was
a friend of my father. Both grew up in Steenstrupsgate
at Gruenerloekka in Oslo. For me, his paintings
became a visual memory of Gruenerloekka, of visits
to my grandmother, of stories my father told from his
childhood, but with the special connection that it was
Uncle Roy who had painted them.
I own one original oil painting by Roy Blohm.
Not one of his more typical themes of old people, dogs
and children, but an oil painting from around 1945,
showing the backyard, the inner court, of the houses
in Steenstrupsgate. Like I remember seeing it from my
grandmother's apartment.
My memories of Uncle Roy are from my childhood.
What I remember was that he looked more like a clerk
working in an office than an artist in a studio.
No beard or long hair. Neatly dressed.
Short hair. Quiet. Pleasant.
I know my father liked him very much.