Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Email on Friday, dead on Sunday

My friend G. sent me an email last Friday
with a link to an interesting article he had read
and that he thought would interest me.

On Saturday he was at home when he suddenly
called out to his wife, before losing consciousness.

On Sunday he was dead.

He was a good man.

Opening my inbox, I see there are hundreds of emails.
Many of them were just like the last ones -
links to interesting articles he had read.

We shared a hobby. Sometimes I have been able
to help him a little with his projects in that hobby.

His wife told me this morning that he liked to read
my blog, so I hope I gave something back to him too.

Every time I have visited my other country during
the last three and a half years, he and his wife made
the effort so that we could meet.

What made G. such a special person for me?
I will think more about that later.

For now, blessed be his memory.

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