Sunday, April 4, 2021

Walking from Roed (Røed Gård) on Jeloy (Jeløy) down to the Oslofjord.

 On our island Jeloy, one place to visit is Roed Gaard (Røed Gård).

The Mamen family who owns the farm lives in this yellow building.  Here seen from the front.

The big building to the left has a cafe and many speciality shops, now closed because of Covid. You could order from the cafe and sit outside, so many took the advantage of that on this sunny April 2nd.

In 2010 the big building went up in fire, and in addition to the building itself and the art work, four horses, two pigs and several rabbits died in the fire.

I was visiting  with two friends for a walk through the forest behind the farm where we found a little memorial to the animals who perished, next to the path.

First we walked past some fields with old stone fences.

Imagine building such stone fences.

The next part was through  the forest, a natural forest where your fantasy can work freely imaging trolls and mystic creatures.

In the end we arrived at the western part of Jeloy, where you can see Horten on the other side of the Oslofjord.

The first signs of spring were there to greet us in that forest - Blåveis.
Just saying that word in Norwegian brings me back 65 years to the wonder of seeing Blaaveis around Moss as a very young child.
Does the English word Liverwort  give that same feeling to children growing up with English as their mother tongue?

PS. The word Blaaveis can also be used for a black eye you get when punched or falling. Luckily that use of the word was never needed in my childhood.

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