Sunday, July 10, 2022

Classic telephone box is now a mini-library


When  I grew up in the 1950's and 1960's, these phone boxes  could be seen everywhere.
I read that there used to be around 6000 of these in Norway.
Then more and more consumers changed from public phones to home phones and then to mobile phones.
So these red phone boxes were taken away - except for around 100 still left and now protected by law.
Both in Moss and in Horten on the other side of the Oslofjord, two of these can still be seen.
Now they have become mini-libraries. You can borrow or take a book or you can deposit a book you own or return one you borrowed at the same place earlier. It is all up to you.
The one in Moss is situated near the police station.The one in Horten is in the harbor, close to where you take the ferry.

I love the idea,  and I have found and given books to both places. 

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