Saturday, January 20, 2007

The dog is not suffering - for sure

Johnny Larsson from Halmstad in Sweden received a letter from the local authorities.
A complaint from one of the neighbours had told how Mr. Larsson kept his poor dog on the steps next to this front door. The dog had to stay there day and night and was not moving.

An official had discreetly investigated the case and from his car observed the poor dog sitting on the front step.He was indeed not moving around.
The official now wanted to come for an additional inspection.

The amazed Mr. Larsson phoned the local authorities and explained that the dog on his front steps was a porcelen dog that had earlier been inside.
He had decided to get rid of it, and as a first step he had put outside, next to the front door. The authorities decided to back off. Following this, Mr. Larsson has decided to keep the porcelen dog at his front steps.

The inspector who wrote the official report feels very embarrassed and explains that it was dark and raining when he saw the poor dog from a distance of around 30 meters.

As to the neighbor who wrote the first complaint, he can now calm down. The dog is not suffering - for sure.

(Based on a report in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter on Jan 14th 2007)

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