The Norwegian government with Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.
It is interesting to note that around half of the ministers are women.
Today I was thinking how the titles of the ministers in any government reflect what that specific government and country try to prioritize.
From the Norwegian government's own website I copied the titles in English and in Norwegian.
First the titles that sound more familiar from back when I lived in Norway:
Prime Minister = Statsminister
Minister of Finance = Finansminister
Minister of Justice = Justisminister
Minister of Transport and Communications = Samferdselsminister
Minister of Foreign Affairs = Utenriksminister
Minister of Defence = Forsvarsminister
Then comes one minister that came along with the Norwegian oil, after I moved abroad:
Minister of Petroleum and Energy = Olje- og energiminister
The next titles "sound" new to me, some of them because the more complicated names, and some because they seem to have cut bigger departments into smaller departments.
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development = Kommunal- og regionalminister
Minister of Government Administration and Reform = Fornyings- og administrasjonsminister
Minister of Agriculture and Food = Landbruks- og matminister
Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs = Fiskeri- og kystminister
Minister of the Environment and International Development = Miljøvern- og utviklingsminister
Minister of Education = Kunnskapsminister (Actually Minister of Knowledge!)
Minister of Research and Higher Education = Forsknings- og høyere utdanningsminister
Minister of Culture and Church Affairs = Kultur- og kirkeminister
Minister of Children and Equality = Barne- og likestillingsminister
Minister of Health and Care Services = Helse- og omsorgsminister
Minister of Trade and Industry = Nærings- og handelsminister
Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion = Arbeids- og inkluderingsminister
The website of the government has versions in four languages - the two official Norwegian languages Bokmål and Nynorsk, the Sami Language and English.
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