Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sending a parcel at ten o'clock at night, from a supermarket

Tonight at ten, I was reminded by email to send
a parcel to a relative abroad.
In the old days, I would have had to figure out
when I could get to the post office during their
opening hours.

Now, with my neighbourhood supermarket being
open from seven in the morning till eleven at night,
I could solve this problem immediately.

In my supermarket they have a post office
that keeps the same opening hours as the
supermarket itself. It seems to me that part of the
staff at the supermarket has been trained by the
postal system, because I have seen those helping
me with my post, on other occassions stacking shelves
with food.

Walking to the post office, I could then enjoy another
positive feature - it wasn't sunny, but it was definitely
light enough despite it being ten at night.

Life sometimes has its good moments!
Small pleasures!

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