Sunday, November 23, 2008

The song about Norway, around forty years ago

Hasse and Tage were some wonderful Swedish
comedians. I remember them with a smile.

In yesterday's Norwegian newspaper I read
part of a satirical song called "Norgesvisan"
they performed around forty years ago.
I googled it and found the whole text, but here
are the four lines cited in the newspaper:

Man borde ge en riktig smäll åt Norge som nation,
för att dom har så fula fjäll och taskig folkpension.
Dom gör ju inga bilar och cyklarna är kass
och deras ende store skald, han heter Peter Dass.

Some explanations seen with my eyes:

This is written at the time Sweden was
the richer "brother" - Stora bror.
Swedish money was worth more than
Norwegian money.
Swedish industry was more developed than
Norwegian industry.
Sweden produced both Volvo and Saab cars.
Norway produced bicycles.
Norway once tried to produce a car named Troll,
without success.
Peter Dass was a priest and poet who lived from
1646 or 1647 to 1707.
Dass is a rather vulgar Swedish word for an outhouse,
a primitive toilet.

A very free translation:
We ought to give Norway a blow in the face
because their ugly mountains and their old age without grace.
They don't produce cars, and bad bikes are not for us,
and their only big poet - his name was Peter Dass.

Being half Norwegian, half Swedish,
I remember when Norway was the "little
brother "- Lilla bror.

And then came the oil......

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