Thursday, March 3, 2011

In memory of my father

When my father died , I felt that his old ties would
be one way of remembering him.

From my childhood I remember him in a white shirt
and a tie.

I never understood how he chose that day's tie from
his collection.
In addition, how did he made that knot???

As my father got older, he used more informal clothes,
and the ties would mostly stay in the closet.

But what do you do with a collection of old ties?

By themselves, they collected a lot of dust.
That I have tested. :-)

A patchwork seemed a good way to use the ties.

On the other hand, that seemed too an ambitious
project for me, both regarding design and execution.

After coming back to Norway, I once I bought
a patchwork that made me happy.

I contacted the artist Inger Kokkim to say thank you.

Suddenly it became clear to me who could help
me with my tie patchwork - Inger Kokkim!

Today she brought me the result.
I am very, very pleased.

Hope you can get some impression of her work
from these photos.

1 comment:

cheripop said...

Wow! I really like that. Great idea and great execution. :-)