I get excited by office supplies.
My idea of heaven is having a huge shop with office supplies next to my computer - my heavenly computer, of course - with a huge library with very friendly librarians and a book shop with an open account next door. (And perhaps a nice vegetarian cafe for those necessary breaks)
During my life I have seen and used many different kinds of files for my many documents.
Now I have met Jopa files, and I have fallen in love with them!
It was already in 1889 that Mr. Tengwall from the Swedish town of Helsingborg got the patent rights for his Trio Files - the ancestors of my Jopa files. Trio referred to the distance between the "forks" : 21mm - 70 mm - 21 mm.
Here is my Jopa file.
From the outside it may look like any other file.
It is the "fork mecanism" that keeps the documents safe through four points.
But the fact that these "forks" come from both sides, make it easy to open the file in stages.
Sometimes you want to add a document.
Sometimes you just want to read.
The sides of the file can be completely flat on the table.

From the Swedish ad at http://www.corporate.esselte.com/svSE/Innovations/Jopa.html
I love my Jopa!
1 comment:
Also note that you can open the binder slightly, to make more room for turning pages when you are browsing a really full binder. I have to say, it's a smart thing. The best binder system there is :-)
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