Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just to remember my Grandfather

The following story about my Norwegian grandfather is just so that I will remember it myself.
It is impossible to translate it succesfully into English.
What I want to remember is that my grandfather knew how to change what was said or what happened very quickly into words of wisdom or at least into something funny.
This trait was passed on to my father and down the male line of the family. :-)
I myself am so much slower and think of these options at least a day later ...

My grandfather was called in to be a witness when Mr. NN registered to get married.
Mr. NN wrote down that by profession he was a "Blikkenslager og dreier".
My grandfather quickly retorted:

I guess you wanted to say "Plattenslager og lurendreier".

Blikkenslager - tinsmith or plumber
Plattenslager -Originally a person who worked with tin or sheet metal.
Later used for 'a conman'.

Dreier - turner (profession)
Lurendreier - a trickster, a sly fox.

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