Sunday, June 1, 2008

Life expectancy

According to the UN database for 2005, the numbers of years we are expexted to live, according to the countries we live in, go like this:

Japan 85 years
Australia 83 years
Spain 83 years
Italy 83 years
Switzerland 83 years
France 83 years
Norway 82 years

Iceland 79 years
Australia 78 years
Israel 78 years
Switzerland 78 years
Sweden 78 years
Japan 78 years
Singapore 77 years
Norway 77 years

According to an article I just read, people in Norway now live , on an average, thirty years longer than what they did 150 years ago. The article's explanation was that fewer babies die today and that there are fewer persons dying of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.

Perhaps men from Iceland should marry women from Japan? :-)
Australia seems to come out well, according to this chart.

My two grandmothers became 85 and 91.
Where will my mother and I end up?

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