In 1990 in Bogota, Columbia a seventeen
year old girl had just given birth.
She made the decision to give up
her newborn daughter for adoption.
A Swedish couple adopted little Angelica
and brought her to Sweden,
two months old.
According to the law in Colombia,
Angelica, like other adopted children, can,
at the age of 18, get information
about their biological parents.
The biological parent cannot get help to locate
the child they gave up for adoption.
So, in principle, Angelica could have
traveled to Colombia next year to find out
where her mother lives, and if she was still
The exact name of the biological mother
was always known to Angelica from
her adoption file.
But now Angelica will probably go to Bogota
before her eighteenth birthday, because she
has already found her mother!
Through the internet.
Through Facebook.
She just clicked in her mother's name on
Facebook, and voila!
She now corresponds with her biological
mother through the internet.
It turns out she has two younger brothers
and a younger sister, a maternal grandmother
and a maternal grandfather in Colombia.
What will happen when they actually meet?
How will the adoptive parents help their
daughter cope with this situation?