Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lesson from my Grandfather: Repair your own Shoes

What is this?
I wouldn't have seen it in the secondhand shop if my mother hadn't exclaimed: "Your Norwegian grandfather had one like that under the kitchen stove!"
"What did he do with it?" I asked.

My mother then explained that he used this for repairing the family's shoes - and he was not a shoemaker by trade!
I do not intend to repair my own shoes , but I do want to know more about how you use this piece of iron, even though I didn't buy it.

1 comment:

tschach said...

Hi Eva,

That is an interesting one because it has several "branches." What you do is to put the part of the shoe which fits on it and nail the sole or heel to the upper part of the shoe. You could have glued a new sole or glued the old one and added nails for strength. The nails hitting the netal part would bend back into the shoe and not poke through to the feet. The soles and inserts in the shoes would be of a good leather in earlier times, not sinthetics as they most ofteb are today.
