Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Prayer

Help me, O God, to find still moments,
quiet spaces within to refresh my soul;
cease my questions, my inner debates,
and let me meditate on Your goodness.

Help me, O God, to nurture my courage,
recalling moments of strength.
Let me remember days of fortitude
and the certainty of Your regard.
Help me, O God, to turn to the light,
to feel the warmth of Your touch,
my own face and fingers outstretched alive,
alive in Your sight.

Lend us the wit, O God, to speak
the lean and simple word;
give us the strength to speak
the found word,
the meant word;
grant us the humility to speak
the friendly word,
the answering word.
And make us sensitive, God,
sensitive to the sounds of the words
which others speak
----sensitive to the sound of their words ----
and to the silences between.

PS Thank you,Jerry!

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