Sunday, March 30, 2008

Light and summertime

One of the more depressing parts of working in the wintertime
in Norway, is getting up when it is completely dark.
It feels like you are on the night shift.

But when there are more and more hours of light,
you feel very grateful .
Getting up at 5.30 and seeing the light, so to speak,
is a great help in starting the day.

Today Norway switches to summertime.
I have a hard time remembering what to do
with the clock when that happens.
One hour forward? One hour backwards?

Somebody told me that using the idea of
garden furniture can help you,
at least if you speak Norwegian.
"Om våren tar du havemøblene frem".
Frem is forward.
Perhaps: In the spring you put the garden furniture forth.

"Om høsten setter du havemøblene tilbake".
Tilbake is back.
Perhaps: In the autumn you put the garden furniture back.

After writing this, I read in VG Helg, in an interesting article
why there isn't summertime the whole year in Norway
(by journalist Anders Giæver), the following for
remembering what to do:
Spring forward.
And fall back.

So today I will look at my watch and see
tiny garden furniture instead....

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