My father loved cakes made with a cover of marcipan (marsipanlokk in Norwegian).
So I found these two photos on the internet.
I think he would have loved those.
But these virtual cakes I want to send to some living family members.
Today is March 2nd and this is a day with family birthdays!
Gratulerer in Norwegian!
When I was a little girl, we celebrated my father's birthday on March 2nd.
Then in the beginning of the sixties little Sylvia started to come to us each year.
She instantly "adopted" my father as her own.
So imagine what a happy coincidence it was that she too was born on March 2nd!
We grew up.
We married.
My sister married Darek.
He was also born on March 2nd!
So here they go - one cake to Sylvia and one cake to Darek.
This is also the day to remember my father - a very special man.
He is always with me.
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