This is what I saw Wednesday morning
Oct 29th 2008 when I looked down on
the street.
The neighbor had driven off to work,
leaving his parking spot free of snow.
A few cars and bicycles had driven down
the street.
The first snow this year in Moss.
Not very much.
Till the end of the day it had become history,
at least where I live.
The first snow.
As children we would wake up in the
morning, the ground covered with much
more snow than you see here on my photo.
Our familiar surroundings were covered
with a white blanket.
But the strongest memory is of that
special quietness that comes with the first
As if the world stands still to look at the white
On Wednesday morning I felt that quietness
Snow in Norway is part of the deal of living
here, but I like the fact that Moss does not have
that much snow in the winter. :-)