Among a collection of old magazines at the local
history center in Horten, I saw this copy of a magazine
I read more than 45 years ago. "Romantikk" - romance -
is the name and a similiar magazine was called Love.
Of course this kind of litterature was considered real
thrash, so most of us did not get the money nor
the permission to buy these magazines.
But one girl in my class bought both Romantikk and
Love, and brought them to school so that her friends
could borrow them from her, secretly of course, during
the breaks.
She would hide the magazines under her sweater to
keep the patrolling teacher unaware of what was going
But one day disaster struck! We had a very strict
head teacher who now and then would inspect the
pupils as we marched , two and two, class after class,
to our classrooms. As we passed this stern teacher,
we had to greet him, the boys by bowing their heads
and we girls by what we called "neiing".
Imagine our class walking in, my friend with a bunch
of romantic literature under her sweater, and there he
was , the head teacher. My friend instinctly put her
two hands to her side and folded her one knee slightly,
the correct way for girls to be politely greeting a grownup,
- and the magazines slid to the floor, just in front of the
head teacher!
What a scandal!
My recollection of her punishment may not be right,
because I was not there, but as I remember being told,
she had to take the magazines to the schoolyard and
burn them.
True or not true?