Friday, August 6, 2010

A old tunnel in a back garden in Spain

Imagine coming in from the street to this inner court
and to the garden where I stood when I took this photo.

Then, in that back garden, you could walk down into
some really old tunnel/s.

A boy of around ten held a torch as we entered the
tunnel and walked inwards.
It was like being transferred to another time.

Then everything became pitch black, so I never saw
how far you could go.

Where had the tunnel/s originally led too?
Who had built them?
Had they been used in wars for hiding or escaping?

The kids and those of us with - perhaps -
a childish imagination and much fantasy,
loved it!

PS. One of the family members with connection to this
house wrote, after reading this:
They say that in the past the old tunnel of the back garden connected
the house with the castle of the village, but this is just a beautiful fairytale:
in my opinion the most probable use of the tunnel was simply to
keep wine bottles.

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