Saturday, August 21, 2010

So when in my life did interesting things happen?

A friend in my other country brought up the idea
that I may have many more interesting things
happening in my life here in Norway than when
I lived in my other country.

I was thinking about this last night before falling
asleep, and feel very strongly that I have had very
interesting things happening all my life.

My life in my other country was a wonderful row
of meeting fascinating people, learning things, having
experiences I can only be very grateful for.
It was an incredible life.

in my other country I never wrote a blog like
this, so most of what happened to me is only in my
head and heart, if I still remember it consciously :-)
My friends only got to hear about some of it -
here and there.

My other country is a very special country,
with a mixed population hard to imagine,
with nature so different from Norway,
with a history hard to understand.
That country, my other country, has so many
private citizens who have opened their homes and
their hearts to me for so many decades.

I am, sorting out box after box of personal
documents, trying to keep some of my "paper life"
in chronological journals.

Just imagine if I one day tried to recreate 40 years
of living in my other country in blog form.....

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