Sunday, September 14, 2008

Remembrance Ritual

Cheryl Richardson is one of those people
I let influence my life.

In her weekly newsletter she talks about
a remembrance ritual she has had
every year since Sept 11th seven years ago.

It is a way to remember those people
no longer here, but also a ritual for asking
yourself the following questions:

Am I pleased with how I'm spending
my precious time on earth?

Am I spending enough quality time
with the people who matter most?

Am I doing my best to listen to the voice
of my soul so I make real, honest choices
based on what I most want?

Am I sharing (or working toward sharing)
my God-given gifts and talents with others?

Are there any petty disagreements or differences
that I need to let go of once and for all?

Is there someone I need to forgive?

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