A very popular TV series has now become a book.
It is called "Where nobody believed anybody could live" (Der ingen kunne tru at nokon kunne bu) and tells of Norwegians who have chosen to live in "special places", often far away from where other Norwegians live.
Some of them grew up there and decided to stay.
Others have broken up from busy city life and found peace and quiet in an old farm or house where nobody else believed they could live.
This is a book I certainly will borrow from the library.
It was written by Oddgeir Bruaset who made the TV programms and published by the Genesis forlag. At the moment it costs 398 Norwegian crowns (a little more than 70 US dollars, I estimate).
I wonder:
If Oddgeir Bruaset had made an English version of this book and sold it as an e-book through the internet - how many people around the world would be interested in buying such an e-book, and to what price?
It certainly would be a fascinating way for foreigners to learn about some special places and persons living in Norway.
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