Somebody I know has visited India on several occasions and tells me he is fascinated by the wisdom of people he has met there.
One time, travelling by train, an Indian gentleman saw him and pushed his way to be able to talk to the European.
The Indian gentleman had been to Europe and had made some thoughts about his own country and those of Europe:
" Europe is a strange place.
You have no real problems, so you have to make them up.
It is a place full of artificial problems.
In India we have real problems. "
From another visit around 35 years ago:
Indian gentleman: Is it true what I have read in the newspapers, that in Europe it is considered a problem to be fat?
European: Yes.
Indian gentleman: And that you have special clubs to get rid of the fat?
European: Yes.
Indian gentleman: So fat people go to special clubs to get rid of fat?
European: Yes.
Indian gentleman: So why not eat less from the beginning?
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