Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yesterday I heard a children's song
by Knutsen & Ludvigsen called
Matpakkespisevisa. Lunch Box Song, perhaps.
Though here the sandwiches for
lunch are often wrapped in paper.
My schoolyears in Norway
was an endless row of these wrapped
sandwiches, with special pieces of paper
dividing one sandwich from the other.

It starts in Norwegian:
” Det er ikke morsomt å spise sin mat
når den ligger i pakke og ikke på fat."

Here you can listen to the song
on YouTube

This fast and rough translation only
wants to give you some idea of the content.

It isn't much fun to eat your food
when it comes wrapped in and not on a plate.
The top one had jam that stuck to the paper.
A paper that flew away with the wind.
When I wanted to eat sandwich number two,
I had eaten it earlier, 'cause it was so good.
Sandwich number three I had cut in two halves,
when I had eaten the first one, the second fell down.
The fourth had mayonnaise and tomato,
the mayo was squeezed out, the tomato was flat.
The cheese I had on the sandwich at last
was stuck to the sandwich I already had.
It isn't much fun to eat your food
when it comes wrapped in and not served on a plate.

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